Opera Foundation Awards American-Berlin Opera Scholarships

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Are there any scholarships that fund professional opera training for vocalists?

Opera Foundation Awards American-Berlin Opera Scholarships

The American-Berlin Opera Scholarship program, administered by The Opera Foundation, funds vocal music scholarships for American singers to study for a period of approximately 10 months at the prestigious Berlin opera house, Deutsche Oper.

Program participants will participate in advanced vocal training and have an opportunity to gain professional experience through participation in Deutsche Oper productions throughout the season. Recipients will receive a $15,000 stipend and transportation to and from Berlin. Additionally, students may be receive additional honoraria for roles in Deutsche Oper productions during their stay.

American singers (citizens and permanent residents) between the ages of 18 and 30 who are launching their singing careers are eligible for the scholarship competition. Applicants must complete the application process, which includes submitting an application package and completing an in-person audition in New York, as is required for many performing arts scholarships.



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